Streets of Lagos – Epic African Rollerblading Skate Documentary
Streets of Lagos, provides an extraordinary look into the lives of first generation rollerbladers that live and skate in Lagos, one of the toughest cities in the world. This engaging skating documentary was shot on location in West Africa, and follows one of Lagos’ best upcoming inline skaters, Daniel Ogbogu.

Inline skating has emerged as a resourceful way to navigate Lagos’ crowded street traffic, while providing the inline skaters a way to express themselves in a city that offers few opportunities for self-expression.

Daniel discusses the struggles of daily life in Nigeria and the strength that he gets from his skating sessions. He is joined by Brian Freeman, a professional rollerblader, who wants grow the sense of community amongst the youths of Lagos.

Streets of Lagos is a wonderfully crafted skating documentary filmed by Dom West. Dom’s visual storytelling has taken him around the globe, and I suggest you check out more of his work on The Dom West YouTube Channel and the Untitled Film Works website.