What Is The Double Push And How To Do It!
Wondering what the Double Push is? Want to learn how to do the double push on inline speed skates? Well you are in the right place! World Champion Joey Mantia just dropped the first episode of his new skate tips series, and it covers what the double push is exactly, and how to do it. You couldn’t ask for a better teacher than World Champion, Joey Mantia. He has perfected the technique that was originally created by speed skating legend and Olympic Champion Chad Hedrick.

In this detailed speed skating instructional video, Joey Mantia defines the Double Push, explains when and how to apply compression, core stability, how to create speed with your hips, and what not to do. He provides a step by step walk through that will have you on your edge and improving your overall skating technique.
Stay tuned for his future in-depth skating tutorials on compression, using the hips, and core activation. He will also cover skate direction, edge drills, and off skate exercises to help improve every aspect of your skating technique.
Check out Joey Mantia’s YouTube Channel for more skating videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjaCuuyv49-2d9ZH8046TDg