Pro Inline Speed Skating Trials

If you haven’t witnessed the intense indoor inline racing action that takes place in the National Speed Skating Circuit, you are missing quite a spectacle. Multiple times a year, the fastest pro indoor inline speed skaters compete for points in various distances on the super fast skating floor at Pattison’s West Skating Center in Federal Way, Washington. The pro inline speed skaters race at break neck speeds hoping to earn one of the coveted National Speed Skating Circuit skating titles including “Fastest Man On Skates”, Endurance Champion, Sprint Champion, and ultimately Grand Champion.
Every year the NSC holds tryouts where the inline speed skaters can try to qualify to compete in NSC events. In the end, only the top 12 sprinters and top 16 endurance athletes will qualify. If you are an inline speed skater with the desire to compete with the fastest indoor speed skaters in the world, this is your chance to join the action.
2013 Season NSC Trials Date – November 2nd – 3rd, 2013
2013 Season NSC Trials Location – Pattison’s West Skating Center, 34222 Pacific Highway South, Federal Way, WA 98003
◦100m Standing Time Trial
◦300m Sprint
◦500m Sprint
◦1000m Endurance
◦1500m Endurance
◦2000m Endurance
Follow this link to sign up today! The National SpeedSkating Circuit Trials Sign Up Page